First, I think “bottle” means mojo + bravado (??)
And two/also, apparently there’s a battle waging in bedrooms – and men are losing it?
To wit: “Fewer men think they perform well in bed today compared to six years ago. Are we really getting worse between the sheets, asks Gareth May.” (here)
Not sure about all the battle rhetoric, but I was asked to weigh in re a poll that found fewer men were rating their sexual selves as “above average” in 2014 vs. 2008. Why?
Here’s the full comment I provided:
Though we are far from fully sexually liberalized (whatever that may mean), the wider social world’s attitudes about sex and sexualities have really evolved in recent years – in a good way! At the same time, men are reportedly less inclined to rate themselves “above average” in the bedroom while women seem to be getting more open about consuming erotic material. And porn is more accessible than ever.
One predictable explanation for men’s diminished bravado (50% are ABOVE AVERAGE, really?) might be tied to erotica – women are getting their kicks elsewhere and/or they’re more inclined to speak up about their sexual desires. And men, not used to being metered in this way, are spending more and more time with their computers. This may be the case for some, but what if this pattern points to something far better than “porn stole my mojo”?
As society moves toward a more progressive sexual space, couples and individuals may have begun to learn, explore, and communicate more. Consequently, rather than so many men having such an overblown sense of self, perhaps more have adopted a more realistic, healthy idea about sexuality in general? It could be!
You can read how my thoughts were incorporated into the piece here – interesting stuff!
“Why have men lost their bottle in the bedroom?” via The Telegraph UK (9/30/14)
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