Just a good quote that I saw somewhere on the interwebs… * * * Got a sociology question? Need some social justice informed life advice? Contact Dr. Chauntelle right here.
Presented without Comment: Bill Murray on Dogs

Just a good quote that I saw somewhere on the interwebs… * * * Got a sociology question? Need some social justice informed life advice? Contact Dr. Chauntelle right here.
“Pop Music Is More About Advertising Now Than Before — And Nobody Realizes It” from MIC.com (5/22/15) Your favorite songs and music videos are becoming advertisements. Research out of the University of Colorado, Denver confirms the trend. Analyzing the top 30 songs on the Billboard charts every year from 1960 to 2013, researcher Storm Gloor
You may have read about Ronald Nelson recently… The senior from Houston High School in Memphis, Tennessee is graduating this spring with a 4.58 weighted GPA, a 2260 out of 2400 SAT score, and 15 AP classes under his belt. He’s also president of his class, a National Merit Scholar,
Comedian Louis CK hosted the 40th anniversary episode/season finale of Saturday Night Live on Saturday May 16. He kicked it off with a monologue, the program’s structural standard for as many years. During the 8+ minute bit, Louis tells jokes about being “mildly racist,” compares his daughters fighting with Israel and Palestine, and attempts
Welp. “Chlamydia outbreaks hits nearly 10 percent of small Texas school in district with no sex-ed policy” – from Raw Story (here, 5/4/15) A small Texas high school has notified parents that it was dealing with a chlamydia outbreak. Officials from the Crane Independent School District confirmed to KWES that the state
By now, we’ve all heard of Crystal O’Connor, co-owner of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana and apparent religious freedom fighter… (pictured: Crystal) Crystal recently weighed in re Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which allows businesses to discriminate against members of the LGBT community, for FOX News. According to Crystal (in the
I recently saw this on Facebook – what. the. fkkk?!!!! Jason Evans, who posted the image on April 2, 2015, had this to say: I had a very difficult time not raging out about this in the college store. These are onesies… for infants… guess which one is for girls
I have been hearing so much about this new documentary from HBO – “Going Clear” – and I must watch it! Here are some *notes on the scandal* from Salon… — Scientology and Hollywood: Tom Cruise, John Travolta and the new “Going Clear” shockers (3/26/15, here) “Going Clear” and the outlandish
Below is reporting from MetalSucks.net (here), outlining something so weird, something that could be so awesome on one level, and something that ultimately showcases how silly we are as a culture… Some thoughts: 1. If H&M is partnering with actual musicians in order to create contrived bands and brands and
“Defensive architecture” has been happening for decades in Southern California (and probably in many other locations), but re skaters. This recent article reprinted in part below is a terribly brutal read about a similar idea, though specifically targeting homeless folks around the globe. How long before we see this in